It is degenerative joint disease. It is caused by aging, injury and obesity. Symptoms include joint pain, restricted movements, bony swelling, deformity usually without instability, joint line or peri articular tenderness and Muscle weakness & wasting. Osteoarthritis is prevalent in middle aged and elderly subjects. Knee OA is most prevalent.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It is the most common inflammatory arthritis. Pain in small joints with stiffness are the key symptoms of RA. Swelling occurs in severe cases which is tender to touch. In its severe form, it can cause deformities of the joints. RA can also cause extra articular features like anorexia, weight loss and fatigue.
Occurs due to high Uric Acid level. The symptoms can be acute or chronic. Symptoms include severe pain, extreme tenderness and marked swelling with overlying red shiny skin. There may be fever and malaise.
Back Pain
Occurs due to osteoporosis, weight lifting, severe exertion and ageing. Commonly seen at cervical and lumbar areas. It can be a part of some disease too. Generally, back pain causes discomfort to the patient. Pain may occur during standing, sitting or lying down; sometimes, during turning in bed.
Pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from the lower back. It is usually caused when there is pressure on the nerve. Symptoms are pain in back, buttocks, hips and lower extremities. Pain can be mild, sharp or severe. There can be difficulty in walking and muscle weakness, numbness in legs, burning sensation.